Friday, May 9, 2014

Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse

Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse

If a healthy lifestyle is something you want for yourself or a loved one, then you may want to consider obtaining the Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse. This comfortable stationary bike will give you a wonderful workout that targets your cardiovascular system without causing any knee or back pain. Read further to learn more.

Video Review 

Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike 

Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse

Recumbent Design

Many exercise bikes are simply too uncomfortable to ride for very long periods of time. This one is designed with your comfort in mind with its recumbent style, padded seat cushion and back rest. You will enjoy a comfortable workout that will help you achieve the maximum benefits from your exercise

The magnetic tension control system offers eight levels that will allow you to begin using your bike with very little resistance. As time goes on, you will be able to increase the resistance levels to your liking and get more out of your workout.

Onboard Computer

You won’t have to wonder if your workout is doing you any good. A large LCD screen will show you how many calories you have burned, the speed you are going, the distance you have traveled, your speed and your heart rate.

Crank System

You can expect an extra quiet and smooth ride with the ultimate cranking system on this bike. The oversize pedals with safety straps won’t make a sound while you pedal your way to good health.


This is a wonderfully comfortable exercise bike. You will find yourself enjoying a quiet ride while you listen to your favorite music or watch movies. Your exercise time will be done long before you are ready to get off this bike.


A few people have reported some difficulty in assembling this product. Fortunately, tech support is available and they can walk you through any problem step by step.

Customer Reviews and Score

Overall, this product is most often rated with five stars, which is the highest rating possible. Amanda from Michigan said, “The Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse was the best purchase I ever made. I used to hate to exercise. Now, I do my workout during my daytime television programs, and I feel better than ever.” Dennis from Arkansas said, “I had a little trouble with putting this bike together. However, tech support was right there for me and walked me right through it. Once I had it together, it was great.”
If you have been unsuccessful with other exercise programs, you will definitely want to buy the Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse. It is the perfect machine for helping you to be healthier and happier.
Cheap Exerpeutic 900XL For Sale Right Now!